Henry Freitag
Fri, Mar 28, 7 p.m.
In the first decades of the 20th century, painting experienced an explosion of creative energy. Abstract forms swirl through space, psychedelic color combinations stimulate the optic nerve, strict construction and emotional drasticness are mutually dependent. We experience very similar phenomena in music: Igor Stravinsky constructs very strict spaces, which he breaks up again with wild rhythms and sharp contrasts. Zoltan Kodaly lets his motifs swirl through space or float in space, Sergei Prokovief is concerned with a trance-like experience. Hindemith and Alfred Schnittke turn these intense emotions and effects inwards, captivating us like the paintings of the American abstract composers.
The series KlangFarben lives in the moment: musicians from the Kammerakademie Potsdam engage in dialog with the pictures in the exhibition. Music author and moderator Clemens Goldberg from the public broadcasting company rbb and museum director Ortrud Westheider bring art and music together and discuss the stories behind the compositions—an experiment.
In cooperation with the Kammerakademie Potsdam
Clemens Goldberg, author and critic, rbbkultur
Ortrud Westheider, Director, Museum Barberini, Potsdam
Sueye Park, violin, Redio Stoli, violin, Christoph Starke, viola, Ulrike Hoffmann, violoncello, Kammerakademie Potsdam
Zoltán Kodály
Sergej Prokofjew
Paul Hindemith
Alfred Schnittke
29 €
Auditorium, Museum Barberini
60 minutes
Please note
Before the program, ticket holders may view the exhibition Kandinsky’s Universe starting at 6 p.m.