Expert Talks: Kandinsky's Universe: Geometric Abstraction in the 20th Century
At the beginning of the 20th century, painting underwent a profound transformation. Artists no longer wanted to depict the visible; they aspired to a new visual language that reduced artistic expression to an interplay of colors, lines, and shapes. Geometric Abstraction viewed these elements as a visual language that reflected the modern world and transcended national boundaries. Kandinsky’s Universe: Geometric Abstraction in the 20th Century spans six decades and showcases how Geometric Abstraction found radical expression in all its variations in Europe and the USA.
In conversation with art historians and artists, this video introduces the themes of the exhibition. With Mary Webb, artist; Paul Huxley, artist; Maria Mileeva, art historian, The Courtauld, London; Jeremy Lewison, art historian, former head of collections, Tate, London; Sterre Barentsen, curator of the exhibition, Museum Barberini; Ortrud Westheider, director, Museum Barberini.